To get status information before your flight/sail, you can go to the preflight page. To get there from our mobile site, you will see an alert on the schedule if you have an upcoming flight. See icon outlined in red in image below.
After clicking on the alert icon, you will see a list of alerts, including outstanding preflights, postflights, and payments due if applicable. Clicking on a row beginning with 'Preflight' will take you to a screen similar to the one shown below.
To expand any given section, click on the bar. For example after clicking on the aircraft section, you would see any squawks or scheduled maintenance similar to the image below.
After you have reviewed the preflight information, you can either click the 'Cancel' button at the top if you would like to review this information again later, or you can click the 'Preflight Done' button to remove this preflight from your Alert queue. This will also indicate that the preflight is complete on the web view of the schedule.
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