There are multiple options for getting user's their login information.
1. The recommended option is to send a password reset message to any user's email or cell phone as long as the address is in the user's profile. This is done from the user password page seen below. The message will contain the user's username, user ID, and a link for resetting their password. There are 2 options for the template of the email or text - the password reset template and the welcome template. You will see example verbiage at the end of this article. These templates can be customized by organization.
2. Your user's can also request their own password reset message from the login screen, by clicking on the 'Forgot password' link next to the login button. If you are a new organization and need to get all user's their login, you could send a Group Email to users with a link to, which takes them to the screen to request their password reset message.
3. If you have some users with no email or text options for retrieving a password reset message, you can reset their password from the password screen shown above and call the user with their login information. The password will not be displayed on the screen for security purposes.
The following templates can be selected in the user password page...
Password reset template:
Hi @name,
You or an administrator requested a password reset for your Schedule Master account. We found the following account associated with email @email, user_id @user_id.
org: @org_name
username: @username
You can use the links below to reset your password or to go to the login page. The reset link is only valid for the next 24 hours.
Click here to reset your password
Click here to login
After 24 hours you can request another password reset using the "Forgot your password" link on the login page.
If you did not request a password reset, please ignore this email or contact support if you have questions.
Time Sync,
provider of Schedule Master software
Welcome template:
Hi Heidi Haverlock,
Welcome to MM Aviation. To make reservations, you will need a login for Schedule Master. Please use the links below to set your password and then go to the login page using the following account information:
org: MM Aviation
username: hhaverlock
You can use the links below to reset your password or to go to the login page. The reset link is only valid for the next 20 hours.
Click here to reset your password
Click here to login
After 20 hours you can request another password reset using the "Forgot your password" link on the login page.
If you have trouble setting your password or logging in, you can email contact support with your questions.
Time Sync,
provider of Schedule Master software
If you want a customized template for your club... can make your own version of the template string, but it must use the same variables. Below is our welcome template:
Hi @name,@break@breakWelcome to @org_name. To make reservations, you will need a login for Schedule Master. Please use the links below to set your password and then go to the login page using the following account information:@break@breakorg: @org_name@break user_id:@user_id@break username: @username@break@break You can use the links below to reset your password or to go to the login page. The reset link is only valid for the next @sHours hours. @links @break After @sHours hours you can request another password reset using the "Forgot your password" link on the login page.@break If you have trouble setting your password or logging in, you can email @TSmailto with your questions.@break@breakThanks,@break Time Sync,@break provider of Schedule Master software
The variables available are:
@break - for line breaks
@name - name of user
@org_name - name of your organization
@sHours - Number of hours the password reset link will work
@TSmailTo - email link for support
@links - password reset link and login link
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