Various information related to your schedule can be found in the preflight, including maintenance status information, instructor status and status of the scheduled user. The information displayed depends on the modules that your organization is using.
Navigating to the preflight screen can happen 3 different ways.
- If your schedule will start within the configured amount of hours (usually 12), you will be re-directed to the preflight for that schedule upon login.
- You can right-click your schedule to see the preflight option.
- You can go to the list of your schedules (Schedule >> My Schedules). Any schedule within the preflight time will have a link to preflight.
The Preflight screen is pictured below. You can see the following information..
- Checkbox labeled 'I reviewed ...' You will need to check this box to confirm that you have reviewed the aircraft and pilot status before saving your preflight. This indicator will be displayed on the schedule, which can give a club confidence on whether or not the pilot will show for their flight.
- Instructions (e.g. Take this printed page...) that are customized for your organization.
- Grid for recording Hobbs and/or Tach and other miscellaneous information.
- Aircraft status (GROUNDED or OK) along with details related to any existing squawks or upcoming scheduled maintenance. (Squawks and/or Scheduled Maint required for this information.)
- Pilot status (GROUNDED or OK) along with details on any expired dates (e.g. medical, flight review) and account status. (Online Billing required for account balance status.)
When you are done, click the checkbox and then the "Save" button. You will also have the option to print.
Note: You also have the option to cancel the schedule from this page if you decided not to keep your schedule.
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