There is a calendar feed for downloading your schedules to a calendar, such as Google Calendar or Outlook. To subscribe, go to Schedule >> My Sched Notif. You will see a section called 'Calendar Subscriptions' in the bottom of the list as seen in the Schedule Notifications screen below. This section will have a list of available feeds. A general user may only have an option for his/her own schedules (i.e. My schedules). However, an owner can subscribe to schedules for resources that he owns, and an instructor can subscribe to schedules that are for his instructor resource. To subscribe click the 'Subscribe' link for the type of feed you are interested in.
After subscribing, you will see a generated URL that can be used to paste into the calendar service. An example of the URL is seen outlined in green in the image above.
If you need further instructions on setting up the feed within your calendar, here are some of the calendars we have tried:
iPhone - You can add the feed under Settings > Calendar > Accounts > Add Account. Select 'Other' then 'Add Subscribed Account' Paste the URL in the server field, then select 'Next'. Check the Description if you would like to 'Schedule Master' or the name of your organization. Then select 'Save'
iCloud - See:
Google calendar - Bring up the calendar on the web, click the down arrow in the lower left screen just to the right of 'other calendars'. Then add by URL and paste the URL shown above. This calendar does not allow you to set the refresh interval and may only update once per day or less (as of June 2018). See this article for details.
Mac - bring up the calendar and then File | New Calendar Subscription. Paste the URL, then click subscribe. This calendar allows you to set the refresh interval.
- For Outlook 2007 I had to go to Tools >> Account Settings. Click on the Internet Calendars tab. Click the 'New' link. Then paste the URL into the box and click Add. (If I pasted the URL into a browser instead, Outlook added the calendar as a snapshot instead of as a subscription.) I am not sure if these instructions are the same for other versions of Outlook.
- The following article has instructions: (These instructions were not sufficient for Outlook 2007.)
Note that the URL is fairly obscure but no password is used so you should only share with people permitted to view your activity.
The feed goes back 90 days and as far into the future as schedules are found.
The subscription does not seem to refresh. If I import the same URL that's listed in the subscription field, the downloads an older version of the data in the calendar. Not what's current.
I got the feed and refresh working for Outlook 2007. I believe the feed is working for iPhone, Android and mac. Let us know what calendar you are using and whether or not it is refreshing for you.
Heidi - Time Sync
I have tried web based calendars (, google calendar) and neither does a refresh. When you subscribe to them, they really are just downloading snapshots of the calendar at that moment. This seems to be a shortcoming of the calendar development, not Schedule Master.
I have also tried Outlook 2010 and added a calendar "from Internet" and it does a refresh of the calendar frequently and has worked for me to see a real time view of the schedule.
The bottom line, I think this is up to the developer of the actual calendar interface (outlook, google calendar, etc) to allow a periodic refresh of the calendar, not something Schedule Master can do anything about. But I could be wrong...maybe there is something.
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