Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to generate billing reports including information on aging of balances per user.
Monitoring the billing history of users provides valuable information that will help in planning your accounting, budget, and expense management, as well as realigning your club's policies to have a more efficient process for collecting outstanding balances. Schedule Master's reporting feature with aging shows balances that are up to 30, 60, and 90 days old, and beyond 90 days old.
1. From the Schedule Master default page, select “Billing Admin” >> “Aging” on the main menu.
2. Customize the Billing Report:
(A) Check/uncheck the corresponding check box to include Positive Balances, $0 Balances, Credit Balances, and Retired users.
(B) Select the report as of date.
(C) Click the blue “Refresh” button to generate report with aging.
3. If you would like to export the report, click the MS Excel icon to extract the report in xls format.
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