Through this lesson, you will learn how to use the advanced Billing Transaction Search Facility to look for specific records based on items, accounts, and/or keywords in the transaction description.
Simply follow the step-by-step instructions below.
1. From the Schedule Master default page, select “Billing Admin” >> “Trans Search” on the main menu.
2. Select the range of dates you want to include in the search. The next 3 fields are optional. Select an item from the dropdown list (pictured below), or leave this field as "-- Select an item --" to retrieve transactions with any item. The same applies to account. Select an account, or do not specify to get all accounts. If you want to narrow down the transactions by description, enter any part of the description text. Otherwise, leave unchanged or blank to get transactions with any description.
3. Click the "Refresh" button after the search criteria are set as desired.
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