If you are a member of multiple organizations using Schedule Master, you may find that you can't login to one of the clubs, because Schedule Master always automatically logs in to the first club that you used on Schedule Master.
When enabled, autologin will automatically log you into ScheduleMaster without any need to enter your username or password.
Note: Autologin should not be used on public or shared computers, since others would be able to use your Schedule Master account. Autologin requires that your browser accepts 'cookies' from our site and may require you to add our site to your trusted sites list. Click here for instructions on setting the security in Internet Explorer.
What if I have more than one user ID?
Method one is simply to disable autologin, and supply your user id and password each time you log in. Method two involves using different login URLs for each organization. There are actually many different login screens. They are...
- https://my.schedulemaster.com/
- https://my1.schedulemaster.com/
- https://my2.schedulemaster.com/ [my3 - my9 are also supported
- https://www.schedulemaster.com/smlogin.htm
All pages, except the last page listed, can remember your login information and automatically log you in. The autologin information is saved according to the login page you save it with. Therefore, you can use up to 10 autologins and still have a login screen without autologin. Be sure to bookmark the page BEFORE logging in. Otherwise the autologin will not work and you will need to remove autologin and start the process over.
If you want to remove your auto-login,
Log out from ScheduleMaster. On the logout page, you will find a link for removing your autologin.
Another method involves leaving Autologin enabled, and bookmark different login URLs for each organization that you belong to.
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