If you are authorized to add a master item, go to the Maint Items page by navigating to Admin | System Admin | Maint Items. This is the page in which you can add new scheduled maintenance items, such as annual inspections, oil changes, etc.
There is a link for adding a new item just above the grid. If you need to edit or delete an existing item, there is a link in the rightmost column.
The following fields will need to be entered:
- Item Type - This will default to Other Maintenance. If you are entering an AD, be sure to select this field first, which will toggle item name with AD number and subject.
- Applicable Resources - This is a new field that can be used in reporting to identify which items are applicable to which aircraft/resources.
- Mandatory - If checked, this item will be considered in determining the color of the hazard symbol on the schedule page. Any overdue items will cause the hazard symbol to be red.
- Item Name or AD No and Subject - This will show on the various screens with the due date or meter.
- URL - This will make an item clickable so that the FAA regulations can be linked.
- Due Interval - This will allow the next due date/time to be defaulted. (May not yet be implemented.)
- Notify Days Before - How many days before it is due do you want to be notified? Click here for more on setting up notifications.
- Notify Hours Before - How many hours before it is due do you want to be notified? If you enter both hours before and days before, Schedule Master will send out notifications on whichever event occurs first.
- Column# - Up to 14 columns can be displayed on the maintenance status board. This field can be blank if not selecting this column for display or a unique number between 1 and 14. If re-sorting the columns, you must clear a number before using it for a different column.
- Comments - Miscellaneous notes about the maintenance item
Instructor due dates can also be set up through Scheduled Maintenance to manage instructor certificate dates or other expiring dates.
Note: Authorized users includes sysops and those with the 'Scheduled Maintenance Admin' authorization.
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